
We are individuals who are passionate about providing solutions that we know we are good at, pretty speedily and quite conscientiously.         (Mt KENYA FROM NAIROBI) 

The Partnership Team

Gurmukh ( Bushy Beard) – Your point of contact with decades of “Life  Experience”. Loves a good conversation and listening to learn and grow . 

Erickson (Sun – Ericks)  – Self proclaimed web techie, with a soft demeanour who puts out concise and clear work which is crisp.

Eric – (Mr Smiles) – Our graphic design maestro who can churn dynamic and magical promotional and branding for you.

Why Choose Us

We K.I.S - Keep It Simple

If you have an obsolete website that needs modernizing or one that  has not been updated in months then we are team for you.
No BS just simple fuss-free updates and upgrades which are quick and effective.

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